Clearing your cache and cookies may fix your technical problem.
To clear your cache in Chrome on a Mac:
- On the browser toolbar, click the Chrome menu icon.
- Select the Preferences link.
- Under Privacy and Security, click the Clear browsing data link.
- In the data drop-down menu, select the time range where you want to clear browsing data (we recommend All time) .
- Select the Browsing History, Cookies and other site and plug-in data, Cached images and files checkboxes. Click Clear Data.
- Restart your browser.
To clear your cache in Chrome in Windows:
- On the browser toolbar, click the Customize and control google chrome (top right of page)
- Scroll to More tools to expand window, and click Clear browsing data.
- At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time (Recommended).
- Be sure the "Browsing history:, "Cookies and other site data", and "Cached images and files," check boxes are selected.
- Click Clear data.
- Restart your browser.